My Name is Seth Thompson

Hello there, my name is Seth Thompson and welcome to my blog. I am going to do this blog to help keep those who I love updated on what is going on in my life as I serve in Jamaica this next month. Missions has been a big part of my life, and it is a passion i feel called to pursue. I have been so blessed to visit and work with the people of Jamaica, and look forward to seeing what God has in store for the island of Jamaica and this boy from the south. Please feel free to join me on this journey through this blog as I walk this road God has called me too. Thanks for all your prayer and support.

Friday, August 5, 2011

A Nana's Love!!

There are not too many greater things in this world, than the love of a grandmother.  Whenever times are tough, or life is hard they always know what to say and how to cheer you up.   I am so blessed to have some of the best grandmothers in the world.

These last 2 days have been some of the hardest days I have had in a while.  My Nana has been struggling between this life and the next.  Tonight, she struggles no more.  God has called her home and she is no longer in pain.  Although it is tough here on this earth to say goodbye, God has brought a peace to our family.  He is so good and continues to be good through all of life's circumstances.  Please be praying for my Pawpaw as he continues to deal with losing his wife of 61 years.  I also ask that you would pray for my Aunt Deborah and her family as she lost both her mom and her mother in law in the span of 30 minutes tonight.  I know that God is with us all, and appreciate all your prayers!!!  God Bless!!!  I love you Nana!!!! Rest in Peace!!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Friendly Nashville!!

It has been good to be back in Nashville and seeing family and friends.  My aunt picked me up from the airport, and after returning to her home I was able to help her out with some of the canning and cutting of the vegetables that she had picked from her garden.  It was good to chat and catch up, as well as get some work done.

In the afternoon, I was able to catch up with my friend Robin and then I went over to Trevecca to see my RD family.  I had a great time of fellowship and laughter, as I discussed where I was at and how things were going for them so far this year.  Being at Trevecca for a short time truly cemented the fact that I am not suppose to be there.  I love my RD family, but it was definitely time to move on.  I am praying and hoping though, that Trevecca and the RD's have a great year as they continue to impact college kids and their life's.

In the evening I was able to go out with some small group friends for dinner.  Once again it was great to catch up with them, and see how things have gone with them this last month.  There are some great things going on for them, and I was glad to hear that they were doing well.  It was also good to eat at Chili's, one of my favorite restaurants.

Lastly, I got to see some of my classmates that I had when I was in the masters program at Trevecca.  It was good to see them and see how things are going.  They were greatly supportive and encouraging and that was something I really appreciated.  It was good to hear how God was working in their lives as well, and I look forward to being able to keep in touch with them as they continue their education.  Keep up the good work guys.

Today will be a pretty easy day.  I am going to go eat lunch with my cousin and aunt, and am hoping to play racquet ball with my friend.  I am planning on dinner with my other cousin, and seeing some more friends after before I return home to Georgia.  It has been so good to see friends, and I am glad that I had this opportunity.  Thanks for all the support and God Bless!!!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Nashville, Here I Come!!!

I am sitting here in the Kansas City airport waiting for my flight to Nashville.  I was not able to type a whole lot this weekend, as it was a busy, but very fun weekend.  I would like to really thank Ben and Kimbre Birdwell for allowing me to stay in their house this weekend while I was in KC.  It was great to catch up with them and spend some time with old friends.  The grace of God truly showed through them, and their hospitality was amazing.  I am glad that they allowed me the opportunity to stay with them.  Thanks once again.

The conference I was attending this last week was so that I could become a Mission Corps Volunteer with the Church of the Nazarene.  This allows me to be seen by the church as a mission entity, although a volunteer one.  I will be able to raise funds through the church, which will cover food, shelter, insurance, transportation, and things like that.  There were about 25 or so of us there going through the course, and it was really cool to hear their stories of what God is doing in their life's.  I met so many wonderful people and pray and hope that God continues to bless them as they pursue God with all of their being.

Beyond the people, the conference was great as well.  It was very informative, and even created opportunity for brain stimulation through exercises and practices.  I was able to get some questions answered this weekend, and am so glad that I got to attend the conference. I hope to soon be working with the West and East District on a contract for service.  We will see how that goes.

Get ready Nashville, here I come.  Thanks and God Bless!!!!